Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Middle Room

The middle room
With dimming glittering lights
of a pale blue hue

pastel pink and green bedsheet
covers the queen size mahogany bed
Powder turquoise curtain drape a broom like trimming
sweeping, sweeping the hardwood floor

An elderly woman rebuking eyes
stares through a fragile picture frame
a young girl's way of life

A quiet song sings in silent tongue
Mattress churning turns to midnight light cat fight
purring purring to a hush

Pennies shillings rattling like snakes
falls to the Sacred ground
And the elderly woman's rebuking eyes
makes the young one cry

1 comment:

  1. Oh This is so musical... love the rhythm in this and the content..Of course!
    Greatly done, Marcia!
