Wednesday, June 30, 2010

And I Let Him Go

Seeing him lying
On the carpet floor
In the dim lit room
Staring at white clean ceiling
I try to imagine
What is he seeing?
What is he thinking?
And the tears
And the music he choose
To listen to
A lonely song
Not too sad
But lonely
And yearning
He don’t look at me
Yet I know he knows
I am looking
And I am curious
And I remember
The tiny purple parrot
purchase years ago
And my Mama warn
“One day the cage will open
And the bird will go!
And I see my lover
Crying secret tears
Water flowing his face
To the floor
And I open the bedroom door
And let him go.


  1. Lovely poem Marcia. Very real and the flow of this piece is beautiful.

  2. This Poem is Very Touching! Thank You for Sharing Secrets from Your Heart.

  3. This is beautiful. A moment where one comes to terms with the reality of letting go, and you captured it beautifully.
